We all know that processed convenience foods are not good for us. Right? RIGHT? Of course we know that. One of the reasons...as if we needed another...is preservatives. What I'm about to tell you, be it hearsay or not, may convince you to never eat another 'preserved' food again. Apparently, Americans consume so many preservative-laden foods each and every day that when we die, our bodies are not decomposing like they should. Everything about that is just GROSS.
Did you know that typical grocery store brands of vitamins are so full of synthetic ingredients, that when port-o-potty companies clean them out they find whole vitamins in the holding tanks? Those aren't the kind of vitamins I'd want to take. I mean, what's the point? I've heard the ridiculous argument before about why you shouldn't bother paying more for quality vitamins...the only difference it makes is that you have expensive pee. I guess the port-o-potty findings take that to a whole new level.
You know all those food packages and signs at fast-food restaurants that claim 'No Trans Fats!'? I'm sure you've seen them and been comforted by their presence. Did you know that when you eat a food that contains hydrogenated oils that when your body processes them they get turned into trans fats? Did you know? Well you do now. Nice marketing ploy guys, but we're on to you.
Don't fall for these advertising scams that claim 'corn sugar' (high fructose corn syrup) is a natural product. No it's not!! By whose freaking dumb ass standards??? Since HFCS has gotten such a bad rap, industry will try and cover their asses by changing the same to something so harmless sounding as 'corn sugar'. How dumb do they think we are? At this point I would hope that we are all aware of the damage that HFCS does to our bodies. If not, read up folks. Educate yourselves. However natural the (GMO, but that's a whole different blog) ingredients used to make HFCS or corn sugar started out, rest assured that by the time they make it onto the shelf in the grocery store they have been processed beyond the point that they can be recognized as a natural food item.
I repeat, educate yourselves. The government is not looking out for us. The FDA and USDA have taken on a whole new meaning in my vocabulary, and those letters stand for something I shouldn't write here. The best we can do is arm ourselves with knowledge. We can all be healthier, and it really doesn't mean making huge extreme changes. Pay attention to what you eat. Read labels in the grocery store and have a list of ingredients that you avoid. If that's too much work, then at least stick to the outer rim of the grocery and skip all the processed stuff in the middle. None of us needs it. I may have eaten a big, fat, beautiful reuben sandwich yesterday, but you bet it was organic pumpernickel bread, and organic 1000 Island, and organic sauerkraut. Maybe the ingredients aren't the healthiest to begin with, but splurging on a less than ideal meal once in a while isn't going kill you as long as you put it together with the best ingredients you can.
A friend of mine posted a blog today about how important it is that we take care of ourselves and I couldn't agree more. You're the only one of you there is and you've only got one body and it shouldn't end up mummified because of your diet. No one else is going to take care of it for you, so get to it!!
You make me think... and I would love if you came & did my grocery shopping for me!! :)
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, I've been asked to clean out pantries and co-shop before!! Consider it done. Just let me know when! And be prepared for me to pick through your garbage to make sure you're recycling, too! =0