How many times have you been driving down the road or sitting at a stoplight, minding your innocent little business, and happen to sneak a glance at the person next to you just to find that they are knuckle deep in their nose? Sometimes you even get to witness the know what I'm talking about. Grown, supposedly mature, adults eating boogers. GROSS.
Obviously kids do it. Sooo many kids do it! I was inspired to write this blog the other day by my little friend Jacob, who finds the inside of his nose positively irresistible. Thank you Jacob! He's lucky he's one of those super cute angel-face kids, cause he can totally pull off getting caught picking.
We all see people picking their noses all the time, don't we. Sometimes we even get to make commentary. Like when we were standing in line for the ferris wheel and the kid in front of us turned around so we would have the privilege of watching his booger show. After he stuck his finger in his mouth, making full eye contact the whole time, my husband innocently asked 'Was that good?'. Well?! Don't you wonder what keeps the booger eaters coming back for more?
Maybe they know something we don't. (Besides how boogers taste).
There's a certain doctor in Austria, a lung specialist, who believes that nose-picking and booger-eating will actually strengthen the immune system. Let me restate that. There's an actual medical doctor who thinks that eating boogers is a GOOD IDEA. The idea is that all the little germs and bacteria that get hung up by the cilia and mucous in our noses, then picked out and eaten, actually works as a sort of probiotic for us, creating antibodies and helping fight off whatever is out there trying to slip past the gooey gates.
Who woulda thought? Eating boogers is potentially a healthy(ish) habit? I don't know...
I doubt it. I get the logic, I admit it makes sense. But still, can't we just break the nose picking habit early and all buy Shaklee probiotics instead?! Really, I will happily supply the world...
There's an actual scientific name for nose picking, it's rhinotillexis. And compulsive nose-picking is rhinotillexomania. There's even a latin word for booger-eating! You know you want to know what it is. It's automucophagy. Hey, I totally understand that inquiring minds want to know, so I will oblige.
Here in The Land of Cheese, the first day of school countdown clock is about to hit blastoff. With the inception of the new school year comes a whole slew of new germs for our kids to bring home to us poor, innocent parents. Our families pass around colds, flu, viruses, heck even warts, that we've picked up while we are out and about. Kids are obviously infamous for germ-transfer, especially the younger ones who are still perfecting the art of the 'coughing corner'. What's that, you ask? Um, hello? The inside of your elbow, where all well-placed coughs and sneezes go! Feel free to take notes here, folks.
So, what's a concerned parent to do to fight off all these germy germs? There's the obvious hand-washing, disinfecting (with only safe, non-toxic cleaners of course), or using your coughing corner to not needlessly spread sickness around. But needless to say, there are always some germs that get by even the most diligent hand-washing, mouth-covering, non-bare-surface-touching germophobe. So, how about fighting them better from the inside, too? Our immune systems are a hugely important part of the body, and when sickness abounds we must strengthen ourselves to fight off the ones that get by.
Don't worry, I'm not going to suggest eating a few boogers. You can do what you want, but don't expect me to shake your hand. Obviously there are a lot of things we can do to help ourselves that does not include automucophagy. There are a lot less gross things we can do, I should say. Obviously eating right is the first one. Some kids would not agree...they might actually prefer boogers to vegetables. If that's not really an option you'd like them explore, literally, keep reading.
Did you know that refined sugar actually suppresses the immune system? Ya. It does. So stop consuming so much. Certainly taking a daily multi-vitamin (or one for kids), a probiotic, eating lots of lean protein, getting lots of sleep, regular exercise, and living in a clean environment are all ideal. There is plenty of help for cold and flu season!
So come on, folks. Let's get to work. There are a LOT of nose-pickers out there! So when you see them...give them my number!
Obviously kids do it. Sooo many kids do it! I was inspired to write this blog the other day by my little friend Jacob, who finds the inside of his nose positively irresistible. Thank you Jacob! He's lucky he's one of those super cute angel-face kids, cause he can totally pull off getting caught picking.
We all see people picking their noses all the time, don't we. Sometimes we even get to make commentary. Like when we were standing in line for the ferris wheel and the kid in front of us turned around so we would have the privilege of watching his booger show. After he stuck his finger in his mouth, making full eye contact the whole time, my husband innocently asked 'Was that good?'. Well?! Don't you wonder what keeps the booger eaters coming back for more?
Maybe they know something we don't. (Besides how boogers taste).
There's a certain doctor in Austria, a lung specialist, who believes that nose-picking and booger-eating will actually strengthen the immune system. Let me restate that. There's an actual medical doctor who thinks that eating boogers is a GOOD IDEA. The idea is that all the little germs and bacteria that get hung up by the cilia and mucous in our noses, then picked out and eaten, actually works as a sort of probiotic for us, creating antibodies and helping fight off whatever is out there trying to slip past the gooey gates.
Who woulda thought? Eating boogers is potentially a healthy(ish) habit? I don't know...
If I see you totally digging and subsequently eating what you find,
is it still considered a healthy habit
if I barf on you?
I doubt it. I get the logic, I admit it makes sense. But still, can't we just break the nose picking habit early and all buy Shaklee probiotics instead?! Really, I will happily supply the world...
There's an actual scientific name for nose picking, it's rhinotillexis. And compulsive nose-picking is rhinotillexomania. There's even a latin word for booger-eating! You know you want to know what it is. It's automucophagy. Hey, I totally understand that inquiring minds want to know, so I will oblige.
Here in The Land of Cheese, the first day of school countdown clock is about to hit blastoff. With the inception of the new school year comes a whole slew of new germs for our kids to bring home to us poor, innocent parents. Our families pass around colds, flu, viruses, heck even warts, that we've picked up while we are out and about. Kids are obviously infamous for germ-transfer, especially the younger ones who are still perfecting the art of the 'coughing corner'. What's that, you ask? Um, hello? The inside of your elbow, where all well-placed coughs and sneezes go! Feel free to take notes here, folks.
So, what's a concerned parent to do to fight off all these germy germs? There's the obvious hand-washing, disinfecting (with only safe, non-toxic cleaners of course), or using your coughing corner to not needlessly spread sickness around. But needless to say, there are always some germs that get by even the most diligent hand-washing, mouth-covering, non-bare-surface-touching germophobe. So, how about fighting them better from the inside, too? Our immune systems are a hugely important part of the body, and when sickness abounds we must strengthen ourselves to fight off the ones that get by.
Don't worry, I'm not going to suggest eating a few boogers. You can do what you want, but don't expect me to shake your hand. Obviously there are a lot of things we can do to help ourselves that does not include automucophagy. There are a lot less gross things we can do, I should say. Obviously eating right is the first one. Some kids would not agree...they might actually prefer boogers to vegetables. If that's not really an option you'd like them explore, literally, keep reading.
Did you know that refined sugar actually suppresses the immune system? Ya. It does. So stop consuming so much. Certainly taking a daily multi-vitamin (or one for kids), a probiotic, eating lots of lean protein, getting lots of sleep, regular exercise, and living in a clean environment are all ideal. There is plenty of help for cold and flu season!
So come on, folks. Let's get to work. There are a LOT of nose-pickers out there! So when you see them...give them my number!
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