That's me, you know. I really stink.
Unfortunately for me, it's what I do. I sell products...right? Ya, sorta, I guess. As if we needed more evidence of me being a poor salesperson, there's that last sentence to really drive it home. *Sigh*
A little background info for anyone who doesn't know me: I am a distributor for Shaklee. I sell green cleaners, whole food vitamin supplements, skin care, body care, childrens vitamins & body stuff, weight loss...all the most pure and organic and chemical free. It's a great company, Shaklee even consults to the U.S. Pharmacopaeia and sets standards of purity and quality all over the world. No other supplement company can compare to Shaklee's research (though some have tried to pass it off as their own!) or Shaklee's quality and purity. And you can take that to the bank.
I do pretty well, too, if I may say so myself. I am solidly contributing to our household finances, have no other (outside of the house) job and no plans to get one either. I helped finance a complete bathroom remodel, I pay for our family's gym membership and cell phones, and even have some left over. Lucky for me this stuff typically sells itself. Especially the cleaning stuff...I do a demo and it's undeniable...the stuff works great. Easy peasy. And the nutrition...once you try it you realize what you've been missing, and it's hard to go back knowing how good you can feel. Good stuff to sell when you're a sucky salesperson, huh? Ha!!
I know some really good salespeople. Many have excellent advice on what to say, what responses to give when someone says 'no', different strategies, etc. I listen to their advice and end up thinking what different people we are, and what works for them as a salesperson isn't going to work for stinky me cause I'm just not aggressive like that. My salespitch? Just try it. Yep, that's all I got.
Instead of a salesperson, I fancy myself an educator. Go ahead, you know you're thinking it...well la dee da, she fancies. Yep, I fancy. I'm obviously interested in health, nutrition, fitness, and the environment, and I talk about it anyway, right? Uh, YEAH. Sit down and listen, I'll tell you all kinds of stuff about the products you use or the food you eat that'll make your hair curl. I've read, I've researched, I've tried stuff, I've experimented. I'm a firm believer and I want others to believe too, so that they can live healthier lifestyles and feel better and be better and live longer and look younger, etc etc. It's out of the goodness of my heart, not because I want to sell people stuff. If Target sold Shaklee, I'd tell people to go there and buy it. If I wasn't a distributor, I'd still tell people not to use bleach or ammonia or Magic Erasers or air fresheners. I'd still say 'read your labels!' and talk about how high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils are bad for you. Eat your organic fruits and vegetables, stop drinking milk, soda is the devil and artificial sweeteners are his spawn. The chemicals in cleaners and body products will give you cancer, irritate (or cause) asthma, build up in your body and make you sick, sick sick. Many vitamins are not usable by your body because they are synthetic and you won't absorb them. Many vitamins and protein products have been badly processed and won't give you the benefits you think you are getting. Stick around, folks cause I've got plenty more.
And that's how I do it. I educate, I don't sell. I educate people so that they can make better and healthier choices, and of course I have those healthier choices is a business after all. I don't sell them a product as a replacement for what they have without telling them why...what's the point in that? If you educate them, they will get there on their own and their level of loyalty will be greater than you could hope for. And when people are making the choice of their own volition instead of feeling pressured from a salesperson, they feel better about the choice and will move forward with it.
Think you can do it? Talk to people about what matters to you? Give other people the knowledge you have acquired and help them make better choices - steer them in a better direction? Sure you can. Educate your friends, family, neighbors, and even complete strangers, and watch the sales roll in. If I can do it, you can do it. Really. No, really really.
Sooo, are you ready?
From one sucky sales person to the this one Bonnie!