You know what I'm sick of? Racism. Sexism. Descrimination against sexual orientation. Bigotry of every kind. Holier than thou, superiority complexed, small-minded sheeple. I have come across so many examples of people being hateful lately its really makes me angry.
And you won't like me when I'm angry.
I said that to a misbehaving Beebs the other day, and she laughed so hard she cackled. She laughed and I laughed and it's hard to be mad when you're laughing. You know what she didn't do? She didn't get all high and mighty and in my face about how I wasn't being sensitive about the color of the Hulk's skin or his giant body. Maybe he's aNgRy cause he's green and humungous...? Nah. I don't think that's his problem at all.
How are we going to get rid of racism? STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. Hallelujah! Of course, here I am talking about it. See the thing is, GH and I don't teach our kids that other races or religions are special just because they're a different race or religion than us. We're all f*cking special. They are learning that what makes a person good or bad or right or wrong or whatever is what is inside them. Where it should be. We teach them to be respectful, and when appropriate, to respectfully disagree. My kids won't grow up thinking they are entitled assholes that deserve anything they didn't work for, and you won't find them crying in the corner cause they think they have the right to be offended about something dumb.
The same goes for religion. Live and let live. If you don't believe in certain actions, then don't do them. But don't try and make the rest of the world conform to what you think they should or shouldn't do, either. It's amazing to witness such intolerance from some (notice I said some) of those whose beliefs dictate tolerance. Very recently I've seen this issue of insurance-covered birth control around. Should Catholic medical establishments be forced to offer their patients, whether Catholic or not, free birth control? Does every Catholic believe that birth control is wrong? I doubt it. Does every head of every Catholic medical establishment believe birth control is wrong? I doubt it. If you're Catholic and you don't believe in birth control, do you take birth control? Right. Ok then. Now, I'm not necessarily saying I want to be the one paying for all this free birth control, either. Maybe...if you want it, it should be made available to you, but you pay for it just like everything else in life.
Naturally, I have a solution for everything. We can all thank the Incredible Hulk for inspiring me on this one...let's just all be GREEN. Not Hulk green, cause that's not how to get people to get along, but good old environmentally friendly, healthy green. It's the! If we all started worrying less about what everyone else is doing, and more about what WE are doing and how our actions impact others and our planet, wouldn't it be so much easier?! You betcha.
And you won't like me when I'm angry.
I said that to a misbehaving Beebs the other day, and she laughed so hard she cackled. She laughed and I laughed and it's hard to be mad when you're laughing. You know what she didn't do? She didn't get all high and mighty and in my face about how I wasn't being sensitive about the color of the Hulk's skin or his giant body. Maybe he's aNgRy cause he's green and humungous...? Nah. I don't think that's his problem at all.
For some reason, discrimination topics have really been catching my attention lately. I don't know if its because there has been a higher instance of them lately, or what. Articles, Facebook posts, conversations. Even GH went through a 'sensitivity' course recently for his job that had more than its share of ridiculousness. *The examples I am posting have nothing to do with any particular group, it just so happens that these were three very different sources I wanted to use.
"A (random non-description human being of unspecified race, religion or sex) walks up to an African-American man and asks 'Do you know what Fo Shizzle means?'." In some way, shape or form, the correct answer ended up being: The A-A male gets offended that the other person would assume that they would know that definition just because they are A-A, and goes to their manager to complain. The A-A employee is then fully encouraged to take the issue to human resources and make a formal complaint, where it is then decided that the 'other person' should be reprimanded for racism and insensitivity and potentially lose their job.
If the 'other person' didn't know what 'fo shizzle' means, is it right to assume that they approached a black person thinking that they should know because they are black...?
An African-born teenage boy of caucasian descent enters a competition at school specifically for African-Americans. He wins. Chaos ensues. Should he be allowed to keep his award?
One of my favorite sayings ever (thank you Javonda): 'Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink'.
Word. And now, my man Morgan Freeman:

The same goes for religion. Live and let live. If you don't believe in certain actions, then don't do them. But don't try and make the rest of the world conform to what you think they should or shouldn't do, either. It's amazing to witness such intolerance from some (notice I said some) of those whose beliefs dictate tolerance. Very recently I've seen this issue of insurance-covered birth control around. Should Catholic medical establishments be forced to offer their patients, whether Catholic or not, free birth control? Does every Catholic believe that birth control is wrong? I doubt it. Does every head of every Catholic medical establishment believe birth control is wrong? I doubt it. If you're Catholic and you don't believe in birth control, do you take birth control? Right. Ok then. Now, I'm not necessarily saying I want to be the one paying for all this free birth control, either. Maybe...if you want it, it should be made available to you, but you pay for it just like everything else in life.
Live and let live.
Let's take a tip from man's best friend...
Wait a minute...what's this about MAN'S best friend?!
I love my dog, but I think I'm gonna settle on this one.
After all, we all know what a girl's best friend is.
Speaking of dogs, I stumbled upon this horrific Facebook group a couple weeks ago...One Million Moms. Heard of it? These assholes are ASSHOLES. They are discrimination at its worst, breeding intolerance and hate. They petition to have 'particular issues' removed from whatever media outlet it shows up through, especially anything to do with gays, lesbian or transgender, gay marriage, gay rights, being gay, feeling gay, thinking about gay things, and otherwise general gayness.
This group of bigots proudly posts about how they got Whatever AAA Blah Blah Company to 'silently drop public support for the homosexual agenda',
Speaking of dogs, I stumbled upon this horrific Facebook group a couple weeks ago...One Million Moms. Heard of it? These assholes are ASSHOLES. They are discrimination at its worst, breeding intolerance and hate. They petition to have 'particular issues' removed from whatever media outlet it shows up through, especially anything to do with gays, lesbian or transgender, gay marriage, gay rights, being gay, feeling gay, thinking about gay things, and otherwise general gayness.
Because this is clearly accurate:

Dang, I'm good. Somebody should put me in charge.... somewhere.