As many are, my business is about people. I also like to get in other people's business, but that's neither here nor there. My business is to help people get as healthy as possible, educate them so they make better choices, and heckle them incessantly until they listen to me. FYI, I like being listened to.
Part of the social marketing training process is to figure out your 'sphere of influence'. This is anyone and everyone that you 'touch'. NO, you perv, not literally. If your life touches their life in some way, they can be counted in your sphere. Most of us have several hundred people we can count, whether we realize it or not. Family, friends, co-workers, those are just the obvious. The ones you might not think of...the lady at the post office, the one that stands behind you at Body Pump and admires your triceps, the cashier at the grocery store. People that you don't even know their name, or in some cases, what they look like. Lots of people, lots and lots, influencing each other all over the place.
What we directly or indirectly influence people to do is a big part of who we are. So, who are you? And, now that you know that you have the potential to influence so many...what would you influence them to do?
Be trendy and wear particular clothes, or a particular bag. Use a particular type of cell phone. Wear a particular brand of work out clothes. Walk a certain dog wearing a certain sweater on a particular street? Maybe, but these things we can do without trying, and without making the other person's life any better or any worse. I'm not a big fan of small dogs so I'd have to say maybe in the case of the dog it would be worse, but whatever.
How about if you set out specifically to influence people to only buy certain types of food or start a healthy eating plan? Or to start a workout program? It would probably improve the person's quality of life, and there you go being influential in a GOOD way. Nice job, you!! Doesn't it feel good?!
That's why I do what I do. It makes me feel good. It's part of who I am and I spread it around like butter, on everyone and everything I touch. Shut up, that's not gross. Our sphere of influence grows and changes all the time. The opportunities that come up with these changes are invaluable to us, no matter what we are influencing. I want to be sure that I am influencing positively, and I hope you do too. Of course, being in business, there are business aspects to influencing my sphere too.
I was at a Shaklee event this past weekend where there were 12 guests, all part of my sphere. They listened and learned, and bought a bunch of stuff that will improve their quality of life. I'm influencing people in a very positive way that makes them feel good and be healthier. They will tell their families and friends, go to work and tell their co-workers, and onward and upward it grows and grows. That's how I've grown my business as much as I have and have the success that I do, and you could too, by the way. Sphere of influence! And I can say with satisfaction that I'm a pretty darn good influence. Who. I. Am.
So, have you figured it out yet? You've got to be careful with this, cause it's a powerful tool - use the power of your sphere for good not evil! If you would...think about it. Then answer the question, and be sure to tell me cause inquiring minds want to know.
Who are you, anyway?
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