Hi, and welcome!
Since this is my first blog, I imagine introducing myself is in order. I'm a stay-at-home mom of 2 with my own health & wellness business. I try to keep my house as green as it is possible for us; we compost, recycle, grow vegetables in the garden, reuse, reduce, etc. I buy organic. We don't use products with 'bad' chemicals to clean, do laundry, or wash our hair and faces. In the winter our heat is set to 62 degrees during the day (I wish I could take credit for that one, but its really my husband being cheap). My kids know we do not eat certain things, and words like 'hydrogenated' in the ingredients mean its BAD.
That said, I should also mention that I live in a fantasy world where everyone happily does what I want them to.
My 5 year old is usually pretty compliant. Eats what I give her, doesn't complain too much, tries new food items, etc. But every so often she gets a feeling of entitlement when it comes to deciding what she wants for any particular meal, and makes sure I understand that there will be no substitute for what she has decided is on the menu. Ice cream for dinner, or for that matter Doritos for breakfast, are not usually part of the idealistic meal plans I fantasize about.
I have these daydreams where my family is all sitting at the table, getting along, talking about school and work and friends and sports, and happily eating the wonderful, healthy, organic, vegetarian dinner full of nutrients and green vegetables! that I've prepared for them. Yeah, right. The kids whining about Ding Dongs break through my reverie every time.
I really admire those parents whose kids would never dream of asking for Little Debbie at the store. But one has to wonder...how did they do it? Hypnotism? Beatings? WHAT??? Could someone please let me know?!
I tell Trevor what is in the ingredients and what causes cancer. Then I tell him about the healthier snack options, and 9 times out of 10 he picks the healthy option. I get pretty sciency...ie red 40 is a known carcinagen, or TBHQ causes aggressive behavior. Why fight, just scare the poop out of them and let them make a good choice! xoxo
ReplyDeleteHey, did you grow your own herbs and fill your spice rack? You should have seen the look on the family faces when I walked into one of the numerous gatherings with baggies of freshly dried spices. BUT THEIR SO MUCH BETTER!
ReplyDeleteDing Dongs = yum! I admit, I pressure Bonnie into getting a few not so good things from the store. I personally think that it's ok to indulge in junk food if it’s in moderation. I feel like I need a little Yin for the Yang and although I feel quite good these days, I can’t live on vitamins and wheat bread alone. Anyhow... Bonnie, because of you, for the most part I am more conscious of things that I put into this glorious temple of mine that I call my body. It makes me think twice, and often I choose better. Thanks for caring about our family enough to push us to mostly healthy things. (I love when Sophie reminds me that something is Hydrogenated!). I’m proud of you! Good luck with your new Blog! By the way - I'm not cheap, I just love being really really cold in the house (it’s actually 65 during the day, and 57 @ night :) ). See you around!