As you are hopefully aware, it is (almost) April, the official sponsor of Earth Day. Of COURSE I'm going to dedicate a blog to it. You do realize who you're dealing with here, right?
*Ahem* In honor of Earth Day, I thought it would only be appropriate to dedicate a blog to the blue planet; home to one and all of you, my lovely readers. Since it is so early in the month, if you haven't already thought of something earth-friendly that you and your family will do for Earth Day, now is the time to come up with something. Why not? It's a good learning experience, and any changes you make are only going to better everyone's quality of life. Being the green goddess I am, I am going to make a few suggestions. PICK ONE AND DO IT. Ya, that's right, I'm gettin' bossy. Don't make me come over there....
1. Still using those cruddy toxic cleaners? Well hello, have I not mentioned Shaklee? Come on, get with the program. Shaklee's Get Clean line is fabulous, cheap, and the stuff works great. You'll never go back to your smelly, asthma-inducing, cancer-causing, skin-removing toxic crap again. It's eco-friendly, made with corn and coconut surfactants, and you can literally throw your dirty mop water out in the yard and your grass will be greener. Plus, Basic H2 was the first official Earth Day product! It biodegrades in 30 days, the wipes are compostable, and did you know that Shaklee was the first company to offset all carbon emissions? Just flippin' try it, already.
2. You know you've got Rot Pot envy. Get yourself a Rot Pot. Seriously folks, start a compost!! You can get one of those barrel-type composters that fit in any yard, and reap the benefits all year long. It cuts down on garbage, and those of you who pay for garbage stickers should appreciate that. Use the compost on your vegetable garden, and oh my, will you be glad you did it. My tomato plants get as tall as me!! It's easy, cheap (after the initial investment of the barrel), and worth it. My pile is free...just fenced in with chicken wire on the side of my yard.
3. Are you recycling? NO?! Get your building, neighborhood or town to start. You'll be everyone's hero, and who doesn't love a little hero-worship? It's the 2000's, after all, everyone should be recycling. It feels terrible to me to throw away, or see someone throw away, recyclable items. I can't handle it. I'm the kook digging in the garbage cans, taking home the recyclables so they don't end up in a landfill. If we (planet Earth) continue the way we are going, imagine what life will be like for our grandchildren! Full. Of. Garbage. Is that what you want for them? Ya, I didn't think so. There's an activist in all of us, now get out there and activate it!
4. Your community won't support recycling cause you live in the boonies? REUSE. Make some stuff and start a little business. I've seen some great businesses online where people are cleaning up selling things made from reused items. Mason jar chandeliers (very Pottery Barn!) go for a couple hundred bucks! Knitted items from grocery bags, felted yarn goods from thrift store sweaters, endless items made from old reclaimed wood. Get creative, it's a great outlet, and if you can make some dough doing it, kudos to you.
5. Did you know that if you measured and added up all the energy-escaping cracks in your home, it would on average add up to a hole 3 FEET in diameter?! The cold is still here and the inevitable summer heat is coming. It's never too early or too late to make your home more efficient. Quit being such a primadonna, lower your thermostat and put on a sweater! Fill those cracks in your home where cold air comes in or goes out, put in some new insulation, get some thermal shades. Check your water heater, furnace and chimney, and if you're due and able, replace those old appliances. If nothing else, you could be saving a boatload of money by keeping a tighter ship.
6. Buy local. Eat less meat. Support companies and buy products that support the environment, and don't fall for 'greenwashing'. Grow a vegetable garden. Use reusable bags. Turn off the dang lights. Only run your washer and dishwasher when full - a full dishwasher is more efficient than washing the equivalent amount by hand! Be conscious of how wasteful we all are.
I think that last one hits the nail on the head, don't you? BE CONSCIOUS. Pay attention to what you're doing, because in the long run it affects us all. I could go on and on, but you know what to do. We've only got one earth, and we better take care of it. Even if our generation doesn't reap the fruits of our labors, future generations will appreciate what we've done to preserve what we can. After all, what would we do without Earth? crack me up and teach me stuff at the same time! xoxo