
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm Kinda Junky

I've been thinking a lot lately about what direction I'm going.  Both of my kids are in school all day, and I don't 'work'...outside of my house, that is.  Of course I still run my Shaklee business, as it is near and dear to my heart, being all about nutrition and health.

But I've been feeling...unoccupied.  Like my brain may not be getting enough stimulation and parts of it aren't working correctly anymore.  My ridiculously awesome sister-in-law says it's mommy-brain, but I don't think so.  Maybe I could blame my airiness on mommy-brain in the sleep-deprived days of infants and the 'can't stop to think of anything else but what my toddler might be getting into' days, too.  But not now. 

I'm a fairly creative person, that is, I like to make things.  When I say creative, I am definitely not saying that the things I make are necessarily good or original or artistic like so many that are really worthy of the title 'creative'.  I just like to make stuff, especially sewing and crafty type stuff.  And being a greenie, I tend to gravitate towards projects that have something to do with recycling, reusing, repurposing, whatever you want to call it.  Surprising, I know.  And I can really thank Pinterest for a lot of my inspiration lately, as there is no end to the fabulousness of remade junk that you can find on the internet and pin.  (Yeah, thanks a lot Pinterest, cause what I really need to do is spend MORE time on the internet.)  In fact, I've created a board of just the type of projects I'm talking about and I add new things to it every day.  You can follow me on Pinterest if you'd like...the little link is over on the right of this page. 

So now that my kids aren't babies anymore I am taking over their playroom, which was once filled with many colorful specimens, playsets (many of them vintage), and other now-neglected toys.  I'm reclaiming this space.  God, I'm so GREEN, how can you all stand it? 

When I die, this is what heaven will look like.

I have a number of projects lined up already, whether they are items I never finished or items on the to-do list, and many of them are using items that I've either bought not knowing what on earth to do with it but out of pure covetousness (is that a word?), or things that we no longer like or have use for that are just 'too good' to throw away or give away.  I have {conserve} very deeply ingrained in me, what can I say.  I also have quite a collection of wonderful items that I have collected to use in some un-pre-determined way, put away for a rainy, yet inspired day.  I call this stuff treasures.  My husband, though, calls it something else...when he talks about it it sounds a lot like...'hoarding' or maybe 'junk collector' or 'collection of crap'.  I don't know, but I think there must be something wrong with his mouth. 

At any rate, I do believe I will be using my time a little differently in the days to come, and I hope that I make things worthy of an Etsy store, or if they're not too hideous I'll keep them for myself.  I'm kind of excited!  I'll undoubtedly be blogging about it, which will involve many pictures.  I have a feeling some of those early blogs may have quite the comedic factor as my skill level builds.

Hey, everybody loves a good laugh, and I really don't mind it being at my expense...usually.  I know how to laugh at myself *wink*.  So stay tuned, or if you get bored waiting, check out my Shaklee store and buy some healthy, green stuff to help fund my creative process. 

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. It's so good that you're getting these things done NOW, before you're at the point where...they're going off to college and you wonder "what the hell you're going to do now?" which is where I'm at. Wish you lived closer, we could put our blonde heads together. :D That could be dangerous. I have also been called a hoarder by my "dear husband." I said I am a selective hoarder. I hoard craft supplies, and pantry staples. But I'm telling you whaen he was doing his annual craft project Christmas gifts, he'd ask for something, say Googley eyes, and I'd ask him what size. Enjoyed your post, now back to the clean out of the craft closet!
